
Oxytetracycline-d6 Powder

A water soluble antibiotic used in sample preparation for analytical methods like mass spectrometry.

Cat. Number: AS-2017   |   CAS Number: 79-57-2

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Oxytetracycline-d6 Powder is an important antibiotic widely used in microbiology for its efficacy against a range of bacterial infections. Oxytetracycline-d6 Powder is particularly valuable in creating selective culture media for microbiological studies. Microbiologists rely on Oxytetracycline-d6 Powder to inhibit the growth of unwanted bacteria while allowing the growth of specific strains.

In addition to its role in culture media, Oxytetracycline-d6 Powder plays a crucial role in antimicrobial susceptibility testing. This testing method helps determine the most effective treatment for bacterial infections by assessing the sensitivity of bacteria to various antibiotics, including Oxytetracycline-d6.

Moreover, researchers use Oxytetracycline-d6 Powder in genetic engineering experiments. By introducing it into cell cultures, scientists can select cells with integrated genetic constructs and monitor their expression levels. This application demonstrates the versatility of Oxytetracycline-d6 Powder beyond its antimicrobial properties.

Overall, Oxytetracycline-d6 Powder is an indispensable tool in microbiology labs. Its ability to inhibit bacterial growth, its role in susceptibility testing, and its contribution to genetic engineering experiments highlight its importance in microbial research.

Cat. NumberAS-2017
CAS Number79-57-2
Molecular Weight466.47 g/mol
Molecular FormulaC22H18D6N2O9
purityMin. 95%
1H-NMR spectrumCorresponds to assigned structure.



Technical Data Sheet

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