
Trimethoprim Powder

A bactericidal antibiotic inhibiting bacterial growth by interfering with folic acid synthesis.

Cat. Number: AS-2024   |   CAS Number: 738-70-5

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Trimethoprim Powder is a potent antibiotic commonly used in microbiology for its effectiveness against a wide range of bacterial infections. Derived from the bacterium Streptomyces, it works by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase, an enzyme essential for bacterial growth and reproduction.

In laboratory settings, Trimethoprim Powder is essential for creating selective culture media. It selectively inhibits the growth of certain bacteria while allowing desired strains to flourish for further analysis.

Furthermore, Trimethoprim Powder plays a crucial role in antimicrobial susceptibility testing. This method helps microbiologists determine the most effective treatment for bacterial infections by assessing bacterial sensitivity to various antibiotics, including Trimethoprim.

Moreover, researchers utilize Trimethoprim Powder in genetic engineering experiments. By introducing it into cell cultures, scientists can select cells with integrated genetic constructs and monitor their expression levels for genetic studies.

Additionally, Trimethoprim Powder is valuable for studying bacterial resistance mechanisms. Researchers can investigate how bacteria develop resistance to this antibiotic and develop strategies to combat antibiotic resistance.

In summary, Trimethoprim Powder is an indispensable tool in microbiology labs. Its efficacy against bacterial infections, role in susceptibility testing, and significance in genetic engineering and resistance studies make it a vital component in microbial research.

Cat. NumberAS-2024
CAS Number738-70-5
MDL NumberMFCD00036761
Molecular Weight290.32 g/mol
Molecular FormulaC14H18N4O3
Storage Temperature4°C
Form and ColorCrystalline powder, white to light yellow
Assay (on dry basis)98.5 – 101%
Heavy metals≤ 20ppm
Sulphated ash≤ 0.1%
Melting point≥ 199 °C
Loss on DryingMax. 1%



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